Today's News. Yakuza creator Toshihiro Nagoshi named as SEGA's new CCO; PSN to go down for maintenance this week; PES 2012 gets a winter transfer window update Fans of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning on the European side of the ocean, need wait no longer. the Open Beta client is up and ready for pre-download. Download Warhammer Online. by Tayman on August 18, 2008 . and your allies can now prepare for the Age of Reckoning and download the game. Open Beta . Open beta files will be available for download on August 18. The Warhammer Online open beta starts September 7. Players with registered pre order codes will also be invited to take . War is everywhere in Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning (WAR . 05/29 - WAR Open Beta warhammer online open beta download Event in Taiwan. 05/28 - May WAR . 10/6 - Big Download WAR Review. 10/6 - Crispy Gamer WAR . Players can get into the WAR open beta by pre-ordering Warhammer Online from select retail partners. . Download the open beta client from You will be required to create . Warhammer Online will enter open beta on warhammer online open beta download September 7th and the game will go live on September 18th. You can preorder the game and gain access to the open beta and the Headstart . First, this isn't Warhammer as such, it's Warhammer Online . Fourth, there won't ever be a totally Open Beta, as . Can anyone help me with a link to download the warhammer client? Retired DAoC - Iseult - 50 Eld main, and many others. => DOWNLOAD: Warhammer Online - Beta-Client